A day later and I think I have a bit better grip on my reaction. I am a bit disheartened that I don't have one thing to hang onto and say THIS is the problem, and if we do X everything will magically be better. Even though I know rationally that wasn't what to expect and wouldn't have happened. The problem is I'm struggling to balance what he needs socially with what he need academically.

Breaking it up there are really three issues. His anxiety/depression that we have to work on first or we won't get anywhere with the other issues. The underlying LD the working memory, processing speed, pragmatic judgement, and possible written language processing issues that are the cause of a lot of the anxiety to begin with. And the social, mild Autism behaviors that make it hard for him socially.

Makes him seems more non-functioning that he really is.. This is my kid who happily went off to two weeks of wilderness camp? The teen who happily wanted me to teach him to cook this summer. Who is looking forward to marching band camp? The teen that walked into an unfamiliar house last week, and to my surprised had a normal conversation with someone he hadn't met in years and didn't remember?

Last edited by bluemagic; 08/05/14 09:27 AM.