The site was down most of the day, but when it came back up, my DD was able to log in and complete a session. Speed was good compared to this morning when I was trying to explore the new site. It looks different logging in, but looks and works the same once the session started, so DD had no trouble with logging in or completing the session. Since this is algebra and it won't be offered for independent study, I can't say whether the K-7 sessions look and work the same as in EPGY. Perhaps someone else can post on that.

I couldn't find where or how to set up the parent account, but the calendar, progress summary, and concepts summary are there in the student account, and those are what I typically monitor.

Looking at the FAQ, I noticed that parents of independent study students (formerly open enrollment) cannot change their child's grade level (half a grade level at a time) as they could in the past, but they say they're adding that capability soon. In the meantime, you can contact them to change the grade level. I couldn't see anywhere if there are still two curriculums (reinforcement and gifted) as there were in EPGY. I don't know about other settings I could adjust as an SSA either (such as the number of review exercises, setting session time limits, etc.).

Tutor supported courses will start the student at their current grade level to avoid gaps. Grade level acceleration seems possible but not recommended based on the tone of how the information was presented. This doesn't seem new since I had some people join my group so the parents could have more control over the speed of their children's learning versus school groups and the instructor guided courses. I'm not sure if they still offer a placement test. If they do, requesting one may help convince them to change the grade level (in open enrollment, the grade level was automatically changed after a student took a placement test).