melmichigan was right. The price for Independent Study which replaces the Open Enrollment program is now 30 dollars a month for K-7 math and language arts, up from 13.50 a month. Most in my group didn't use the language arts, so those of us with subscriptions won't miss it terribly, but still over twice the price for fewer than half the courses doesn't seem wise. Also, algebra is gone from OE and now has to be taken in the tutor supported version.

My DD started algebra a couple weeks ago and is just over one quarter of the way through, so she should be able to finish before our subscription runs out if she keeps up the pace. She has a two week ballet intensive starting tomorrow and school will start shortly after, so I don't know if she'll be able to keep up the pace to finish in time. We definitely won't renew if we have to switch to tutor supported. Our plan was to go to AoPS once algebra was finished anyway.

I'll update after DD tries a session today.