I had my parent teacher conferences with DS7's teachers at his summer camp. It is a camp with "gifted" in the title. We have had a great experience with this camp last year and this year. This year, they easily accelerated him and there have been zero issues.

At today's conference, one of his teacher's stated that he has never seen a kid like DS. In the accelerated subject, DS is apparently very patient with his classmates, but DS is "Well beyond" them in ability and drive. The teacher told me that "no one" has drive and persistence like DS. He went on to tell me what kind of education he thinks DS needs. He suggested that DS should be working with a mentor at the college level (in DS's areas of strength - engineering and science).

OK, so the past few weeks, I've been planning on putting DS in algebra in the fall (probably around october, november) and had kind of thought I could wrangle something together for science at home. This teacher thinks that DS can and should be working at the college level. So - a moment of panic for me! I really do not think that DS (who will be 8 soon) should be attending a live college class. But he clearly needs more than what I was thinking of at home. I didn't think that I needed to start looking for a mentor now. Thoughts from anyone on how to meet this need? (Some of the panic comes from the knowledge that I can't just throw some books at DS to meet this need in science/engineering. He needs a lab or workshop, I guess?)

ETA: we will be doing first lego league this fall. But I am new to that club, and don't know if this is an appropriate way to meet DS's needs.

Last edited by somewhereonearth; 07/16/14 09:13 AM.