You need to figure out exactly how this works in your district. From what you are saying, he will finish Calc BC, AP Stats and Linear Algebra in MS?

If that is the case - and there are some kids here that take that path - is there a college nearby? Kids around here just go to a nearby college (there are three four-year colleges within a mile of the HS). Also, in our district, HS courses taken in MS do not show up on your HS transcript. If you take a course outside the HS (for example, a college math course), it counts as a credit but does not factor into GPA.

I know that things work differently in other areas. I see this all the time on this site, but I find it hard to believe that no one else has faced this situation. There are always a few kids in each class in our HS who have run out of HS math classes by 9th or 10th grade, sometimes by 8th.