Hi, all - these questions were raised in my mind by another thread, but I didn't want to hijack that thread. So here are my 2 questions:

1) What is the best ability test for a young, math-loving boy? DS just turned 6, is a good reader, but prefers (and seems VERY good at) math. I was thinking of having him tested on the WISC when he turns 6 (so possibly this summer), but I wonder whether the WISC favors "verbally gifted" kiddos (like my DYS DD). DS is quiet when compared with his sister - so I just have never thought of him "verbal," although in my case it is probably all relative (he seems very, very bright).

2) What is the best age to IQ/ability test? DS will almost certainly face various ability testing in the future through school (G&T program), but not until about 3rd grade. That is a LONG wait. Also, the school typically favors abbreviated tests, and if I had it to do over again (hindsight is 20/20) - I'd prefer to have a full test performed first (although I would have to do this on my own, and fully realize that the current school may still feel the need to do its own testing).

Testing now might allow DS to join his sister in some activities she is enjoying - which would be great. Also, depending on how school goes this year for both DC, we could be considering a school switch at some point (and testing might be needed, depending on the new school).