Well...he's 9. His scores and anxiety are almost identical to my son's, and my son is interested in a lot of different things but he's not curing cancer. Right now, he's delving into chemistry and science because that is what interests him. We use his interests to bridge him over to other things. This week, as an example, he is taking a workshop on archaeology because it's about mass destruction (think Pompeii and eight-year-old boys).

Does he enjoy the Horrible Science and Murderous Math books? My son LOVES those and totally enjoys sharing the gory details with me. I recently discovered they have Horrible Histories and Geographies so those are the next two sets we will buy.

My son loves to do science experiments but hates to write (something to do with the low processing speed). We made a deal that he would type up a "Scientific Proposal" to include a funding request. They aren't terribly detailed but it does help him to organize his thoughts.

Sometimes I think I expect more of him because I know my own capabilities but...he's still an eight-year-old boy.