Originally Posted by mountainmom2011
Originally Posted by ultramarina
I'm not aeh, but it seems really surprising that a child with a PRI and WMI like that would struggle with math. Something is not right.

Perhaps struggle is the wrong word. She makes silly mistakes on the easy things and I would say story problems are sometimes a struggle for her. At home and on Khan academy she is excellent in math. I honestly think it's Everyday Math and lack of actual instruction in school. Last year the teacher would give the unit tests as pretests and if they scored a certain percentile they cold skip that unit. If they didn't pass they would have to do that unit. Even her teacher commented on how she would rush and make silly mistakes on the simpler math and thus be stuck in the lower group. However, she will do much more complex math with no problem.

The other issue, as I mentioned in the original post, is the lack of math instruction. The majority of math time (90 min each day) is spent just sitting and doing their Everyday Math workbooks independently and expected to just learn it on their own. If they don't know something they're supposed to look it up in the reference book. My dd is a bit on the lazy side and mostly rushes through and doesn't take the time to look things up.

My DD struggles just as much with quite similar things, truthfully-- it's the basic instructional model at fault, at least in part. IMO, I mean.

This "discovery" model makes no sense developmentally until kids are in adolescence, on average. {sigh}

So with that said, my DD is HIGHLY verbal, and has zero difficulty with "story" problems, per se, loves applications of math in STEM, but she still makes a gazillion stupid arithmetic errors-- all the time. I think it's sheer inattentiveness to the boring part of things, myself. If she has a way to 'reality-check' her answers, she does fine, because she can apply common sense and check her work when she sees that something is off-- but when she really has no context, not so much.

This was a killer, btw, in high stakes testing. Her math scores NEVER reflect her actual ability on things like the SAT/ACT, etc. Never. She's just not technically meticulous enough.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.