I'm also not aeh, but fwiw, my ds had difficulty fitting in and making friends in early elementary, and in his case the reason was a combination of an undiagnosed LD (dysgraphia, Disorder of Written Expression) - he was silently comparing himself to all the other kids around him who were able to do writing assignments easily (from his perspective), and an Expressive Language Disorder (had extreme difficulty getting his thoughts out, which included some difficulties with what seem like very simply everyday forms of communication - for instance, he's been in speech therapy for years now and made tons of progress, but we still find little things all the time that he just doesn't know how to do until we've given him a script and he practices - at the moment, he's practicing calling friends on the phone. He can send an email, but doesn't know how to initiate a phone call... and he's a teen).

FWIW, he has a WISC profile that is similar to your dd's (except for a slightly lower WM lol!)... the thing that jumps out at me is your dd's coding score. Did she have a neuropsych or psych ed veal at any point in time and if so, what was noted about the relatively low coding score?

Best wishes,


ps - fwiw, once we understood what was up with my ds, accommodated for his dysgraphia, and began remediation for his expressive language disorder, the situation with friends turned around 180 degrees. So much of his isolation in the early school years was due to feelings within himself, and was not related to any kind of true social challenge. Once we helped him be successful at school, he found his self-confidence and fit in at school socially, as well as making a good-sized circle of friends.