Would you mind giving your interpretation on my dd's WISC results?

She's much happier at school now that she's in the gifted program but she still isn't achieving where one would think given her IQ scores. Math is her stronger subject and outside of class she is able to do problems such as 24,347 ÷ 294, 345 x 53, reducing fractions, and converting improper fractions to mixed fractions and vice versa. However, in school this past year (accelerated 1 year in math, doing 3rd grade math) she was in the second to last math group and would struggle with simple things and make silly mistakes. Personally, I blame it on the Everyday Math curriculum and lack of math instruction. She would only get math instruction about 2 times a week for about 15 minutes tops. We were lucky if she got that. The rest of the time she was left to work on her EM workbook independently and Khan academy.

She also has issues with making friends and fitting in. Still unsure if it is related to IQ, possible aspergers, or just very introverted. At school she prefers only one on one interactions with friends/classmates, doesn't like to be watched/looked at, prefers to eat lunch alone and if others sit across from her she will turn away and face the other direction. I brought these things up to her teacher and dd talked with the social worker and they suggested she play group games outside of school that require turn taking. I can do that at home, problem is the main area of her social unhappiness is at school.

FSIQ 149 (99.9%)

Similarities 13
Vocabulary 15
Comprehension 14
124 (95%)

Block Design 17
Matrix Reasoning 19
Picture Concepts 19
151 (>99.9%)

Digit Span 19
Letter/Numb Seq 15
141 (99.7%)

Coding 10
Symbol Search 14
112 (79%)

Thank you. smile

Last edited by mountainmom2011; 06/16/14 10:22 AM.