I feel bad that when DD is writing, I am being such a buzzkil. I should be focusing on encouraging her to express herself through writing but I just cannot let this one go. So we're doing the HWT orange book this summer or at least that was the plan. DD wants to do it but I am not feeling like workbooks at the moment.

isaldnofapples, sorry for the detour. I looked around our place to see what DD uses to explore math. My DD tends to use everything as her theatrical properties so I'm not sure if she is learning anything math related but we have these products:







DD used the abacus mostly as a musical instrument but I now see her sitting down with it and experimenting with patters so that one is actually useful. DD went through a LEGO phase and I thought she'd continue for years so I invested quite a bit in setting up a lego station but she was over it in 2 months. That was an expensive mistake.

ETA: I got most of those products used and dirt cheap at school fairs.

Last edited by Mana; 06/11/14 05:23 PM.