We have just finished our first year homeschooling ... Kindergarten. Took DS (then 5.3) out of public school Kindergarten right after Thanksgiving and never looked back. We started quite structured, using curriculum books, set schedule, etc. and now, 7 months later we are basically "unschooling" or schooling with very few set plans. I found that DS learn a lot more and much more eagerly when left to decide on how he's going to spend his day and what he will learn. My only rules are choose 3 books from Reading Rainbow library (he listens to them on iPad) and most days he does 1 or 2 assignments in Dreambox learning math application. With basically zero instruction from me, he's gone from advanced Kindergarten math knowledge to now being almost done with 2nd grade math and working on some 3rd grade math already. His fine motor skills were always lacking, so I haven't been pushing the whole writing thing. Had he been still in public K, it would had been quite writing intensive, but we have the option to pull back. So his "writing practice" is him drawing pictures, construction plans, video game diagrams ... just about anything he wants that gets him to practice with his hands. He's made HUGE improvements in the last few months! A lot of days he asks "do I have to do school work today?" and some days I just say, no, let's take a day off, he's all excited ... and then I find him in his room writing something or creating his own math work sheets smile
So, my opinion is, let your DD explore and learn on her own. Give her the tools but don't force her into learning. She'll get to it when she's ready. It should be all play at this age. That's how at least my kids seem to learn best smile