Originally Posted by Nogaboo
If learning is what he loves to do most, am I taking that away by dropping him off in a class where I know (and he knows) he is sitting through topics he has already mastered?

I strongly feel preschool should be a place where he's learning to make friends, to share toys, to take turns, to solve conflicts, to follow classroom routines, to increase his frustration tolerance, to do messy art group projects, and to explore and navigate social dynamics.

If it's a quality program where he is learning to do all the above and more, 10-15 minutes of academic instruction per day that is overly repetitive for him is probably okay - not great but not detrimental either. A lot of parents want and expect that kind of exposure for their 2/3 year olds so if you are at a "mainstream" preschool, it'd be hard to avoid that but it's not like in Kindergarden where they spend a significant portion of the day going over basic phonics and numeracy. That, I think, would be a problem.