If you are able to stay home with him, he could get positive social experiences with playdates, parent-child classes, parks, etc. That's enough 'socialization' for a two year old. If you do need childcare, what about an in-home daycare with maybe 4 or 5 other kids? That might give him a home-like atmosphere and a chance to develop real relationships with other kids in a non-overwhelming environment.

In my opinion, any preschool/daycare environment that your child hates is not going to be beneficial, and can even be harmful psychologically. If your child is not happy (after giving him time to adjust ), you should take him out of that environment. Also, be aware that sometimes a good environment can go bad, if there are changes in staffing, or if your child gets frustrated/bored by the curriculum. Personally, I've stuck with things that weren't working for too long, and my child never made progress socially in those situations.