Welcome! You raise some tricky issues, but in the right place.

In my view, developing social skills is absolutely crucial, but if you don't need the nursery for childcare (or perhaps even if you do) there may be easier settings for your son to develop the skills in. Maybe fewer, mixed age children and not all day?

It bothers me that you are "ecstatic" to work on homework with him, tbh. I think at this age it's really important that learning be self-directed: he needs to have a good sense of what he's interested in for himself. Of course it may be that right now there happens to be a good fit between the homework and what he wants to learn - I remember my DS's spelling obsession phase fondly - and maybe you're just reacting to that. But be careful. I'd say finding a purely play-based nursery is a far better idea than moving him to a higher class at 2. His learning won't slow down for lack of academic teaching.

That all sounds very bossy. You know your child, I don't, of course!

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