Esmomma, you've received a lot of wonderful advice already - I have just a few thoughts to toss into the mix - sorry if they are in a bit of a random order, hope they make sense!

Originally Posted by Esmomma
she IS exhausted after loud situations that involve a lot of children. She once fell asleep during a field trip, and this child is NEVER tired.

I believe that you are on the right path thinking of pursuing a neuropsych eval as soon as you have the insurance - I suspect it might be extremely helpful in teasing out whether or not there are underlying issues that are impacting situations, outside of merely social challenges. For instance, I would have written exactly the same thing you've mentioned here about my older dd at your dd's age - she seemed to have extreme anxiety surrounding loud situations that involve other children. When she was young we ran through a myriad of thinking re what the reason was, including both social anxiety and wondering if she had an issue with auditory processing - and her neuropsych revealed something we had completely *NOT* anticipated - she had a possible issue with vision. When she went through therapy to resolve the vision issues, the problems that had looked like anxiety disappeared. I'm not suggesting that your dd has a vision issue, just pointing out that until we had our children's neuropsych evals, it wasn't easy to understand what was at the root of the behaviors we were seeing in our children. The same was true for our dysgraphic ds - I had never heard of either developmental coordination disorder or dysgraphia before his neuropsych eval, but we landed with a referral for the neuropsych eval from our ped in 2nd grade due to extreme anxiety and challenging behaviors at school. What we thought was the primary issue (the anxiety) turned out to be secondary to, and caused by, a completely different developmental challenge.

And fwiw, it's so important to have the "big" picture and to really understand as much as you can what's at the root cause of the challenging behaviors - because if you don't get down to that level to remediate/accommodate - you aren't going to take away the challenge, and addressing the problem behaviors without that will only be like putting a temporary bandaid on the problem - a bandaid that's going to peel off with time, and your child will continue to struggle.

many teachers, including dd's, have told me the same thing--drama in 2nd grade girls. i always stuck to having boys as friends as they seemed more predictable, so I feel very out of my comfort zone.

FWIW, drama doesn't necessarily fade with girls after 2nd grade. What I've found with my daughters (and with my ds' classmates) is that the drama is somewhat dependent on the group of girls. Girls are different social creatures than boys in elementary - that's for sure! But not all cohorts of girls have the same issues with drama, and some teachers are better at handling it than others. The other thing I've heard - and seen happen with my ds' friends who are now older - is that once the drama-filled girls get through puberty (which can be a whole 'nother escalated level of girl drama!) the drama subsided and they turned into truly accepting, calm, really nice friendly girls smile

I tried like heck to get a 504 with accommodations. Dd qualified for one, but not with accommodations due to her grades (all "O's"). I told them I knew a child who is gifted with a 504 for anxiety. They said they recently changed the qualifications. Very circular reasoning, and I sat there for an hour. Finally they talked me into a behavioral plan with all of the same accommodations for which I was asking.

I'd suggest you spend some quality time reading the material that Pete Wright ( has put together. Grades are irrelevant (legally) for a 504 plan - but the school may be "ok" in not writing up one from a different perspective - the 504 is put in place to assure FAPE for students with disabilities - *if* the school doesn't already provide FAPE. Your school may be making a best attempt to provide FAPE through the behavioral plan. We had a similar situation with a medical issue for our older dd. Many children in the US with similar medical needs have 504 plans, but our district will not write one for it - instead they have their own "health plan" which essentially is meant to provide the same FAPE.

She did not qualify for gifted; her kbit 2 verbal was 127, but her nonverbal was 105. Is this normal?

I don't know how frequently differences in scores such as this occur, but I'd want to know more about why the difference. I also don't know for sure what the standard deviation and norm are on the kbit, but if the norm is 100 and the SD is 15 (which is typical for quite a few of these types of tests), then your dd has a relatively high verbal score and a difference between verbal and nonverbal of greater than 1.5 SD - which is a potential red flag for a potential LD. It's possible the split you see on this one test has nothing to do with anything - perhaps your dd was bored during the test and checked out, maybe it was too brief of a test to get a full picture etc. OTOH, when you see a split like that in testing and you know that the student is having difficulty in either life or school - it's a good idea to follow-up with more complete testing. A neurospych eval typically includes one of the more thorough individual IQ tests such as WISC and achievement testing, as well as a detailed parent interview and developmental history. The neuropsych will look for clues in all of that to explain why a split in scores exists, and typically also includes other types of testing such as executive functioning, visual motor integration etc - depending on what they see - to help discern what is going on.

While you wait for the neuropsych testing, I'd do two things. First I'd think through her academic performance in school - do you feel that there are any areas that are frustrating to her? Not just the social issues, but specifically academics. Next, I'd request an IEP eligibility review. There are things you've mentioned here that suggest, to me, even with her current anxiety and ADHD diagnoses - without any other clarification from a neuropsych eval - your dd might qualify for an IEP. You might want to see if you can find a parent advocate's group in your area to help you with advice - we found our local group by looking through the yellow pages list on The benefit of consulting with a local advocate is that they know the ins and outs of your particular school district and are familiar with the politics that often come into play - such as the comment that you've heard that grades disqualify a student from receiving a 504.

If you can get your child an IEP eligibility review, you will most likely get testing that will give you more detailed info. My experience has been it's not as useful as neuropsych testing (the upside to private neuropsych testing is two-fold - the tester has no bias or motive to not fully explain or delve into what is up with the test results, and it is typically more thorough) - but it's worth pursuing in spite of the possibility it might not be "enough". I'd just go into it realizing you'll need to do your research to understand your rights, and to know what you really want to ask for - at the end of the day, you'll need to be the expert on what your child needs.

Hope some of that helped! Hang in there -


Last edited by polarbear; 06/03/14 10:12 AM.