Thank you all so much! Some great thoughts I've been mulling over.

aeh-she IS exhausted after loud situations that involve a lot of children. She once fell asleep during a field trip, and this child is NEVER tired.

Aufilia-your description of your dd's interactions with friends sound very similar.

blackcat-many teachers, including dd's, have told me the same thing--drama in 2nd grade girls. i always stuck to having boys as friends as they seemed more predictable, so I feel very out of my comfort zone.

I tried like heck to get a 504 with accommodations. Dd qualified for one, but not with accommodations due to her grades (all "O's"). I told them I knew a child who is gifted with a 504 for anxiety. They said they recently changed the qualifications. Very circular reasoning, and I sat there for an hour. Finally they talked me into a behavioral plan with all of the same accommodations for which I was asking.

She did not qualify for gifted; her kbit 2 verbal was 127, but her nonverbal was 105. Is this normal?