DS6 has been learning violin for a few years (at his insistence) because he loves classical music. He desperately wanted to learn piano at school last year (I suspect partly the excitement of skipping out of class for 1/2 hour had something to do with it). Having 2 instruments has been great though as there is some cross-over but also differences. He will do his 2nd grade exam in violin soon and does theory and more 'technical' stuff with that teacher, piano he tends to play for enjoyment, informal recitals at school, and for the challenge of working out the last song in the book when he is nowhere near that... Down the track he can join an orchestra if he wishes(invited already, usually starts gr 5) which may give him access to a different group of older peers. Apart from his enjoyment, music is the only thing he has to put in some effort with and it has been great (albeit taxing at times) in helping with perfectionism.