I think it really depends what your/her goals are- what do you mean by "shine?"

I don't know much about competitive piano, but I do know lots of kids around here play in competitions; some travel for it, some of these competitions have cash prizes, etc. It sounds like it could keep one quite busy if one chose that route. I expect your teacher would know more. (Have you asked the teacher's opinion, by the way?).

Some kids here accompany the choral groups/choirs in school. They also are sometimes asked to serve as accompanists for students performing in solo festivals and similar small performances. (However, this is generally at the middle school level, I don't know about students as young as your DD). You could also contact the school music department to see if there are students interested in working in a small ensemble. Our school jazz groups usually have a couple of piano students playing with them (here that is a pretty competitive position, though, through auditions). Some kids play, either through their private teachers or I believe through their own arrangements, in local bookstores, museums/galleries, nursing homes, etc. (I suspect some of these are arranged to fulfill some sort of community service requirements, but some are surely to gain performance experience). Also, I would look ahead in the school/community; she is only 8- will there be more opportunities she is interested in as she gets older?

I think adding a second instrument is wonderful; piano can make that second instrument much easier to learn, but again, it really depends on your DD's goals.

ETA- forgot to mention solo festivals- I think these opportunities vary a lot by region, so you may need to look around for information; here they are primarily run through the schools. These festivals are a great opportunity, and as they get older, most kids here are expected to participate if they are in the school music program. Basically, one prepares and plays a graded/leveled solo for a judge. The kids gets specific, written feedback, and usually a number grade as well (one can ask for ungraded evaluations, too). At older levels, some of these performances are used as auditions for regional performance groups (all state-type stuff).

Last edited by cricket3; 05/28/14 03:10 AM.