Originally Posted by Bostonian
Originally Posted by PipersMom
The sensory issues, hand flapping, and disorganization can all be signs of an ASD.
My 10yo boy exhibits the latter two traits. I think his grades this year in 6th grade (he is one year advanced) will be A's and B's, although there are individual assignments where he has done worse. My wife considers him an underachiever and is more concerned than I am, broaching the idea of holding him back a year (undoing the year-ahead placement). But you don't make a student with decent grades repeat a grade. When I look at http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/treatment.html I don't see anything I'd like to try on him. Is there a book for parents who wonder if they should do anything (as opposed to cases where intervention is clearly necessary)? According to DSM-5 Asperger's can no longer even be diagnosed.

Dd is also skipped a grade, and there are times I wonder if that was the best thing to do, but she was already subject accelerated in everything but history, so it seemed pointless not to. As far as resources, I love Tony Attwood. Dd goes to therapy once a week, but that's it, her school doesn't even recognize her AS diagnosis. At any rate, Attwood really seems to get AS kids, and has some great insight into what's going on in their head, etc. I have "Aspergers Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals" as well as "The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome". Hope this helps smile