Exercise has the opposite effect on my DD9... the more exercise she gets, the more generally energetic she is.

What works for us is drawing up reasonable boundaries. For example, singing is fine, but if DD too close, and it's hurting my ears, it needs to stop. Ditto if I'm trying to hear something: conversation with someone else, on the phone, watching a movie, etc.

Just last night I had to put an end to some severe sound overload, involving three children, one adult, and one canine howling for all they were worth. DW was the ringleader.

Another boundary related to the topic of overload is that DD has to give DW and I adequate time on the weekends and holidays, measured in cups of coffee consumed, before she can expect us to engage with her beyond sitting on the couch and responding to normal conversation. We are not morning people. Don't mess with us until after the second cup.