Originally Posted by Minx
Originally Posted by somewhereonearth
What I am realizing is that I am afraid of homeschooling DS for the long haul. I actually LOVE homeschooling him. He loves it too. I just don't see how I could possibly be qualified for the whole run of it.

You don't have to be qualified for the whole run of it. You just need to seek out resources that are such as a mentor, online classes, and the MIT lectures, http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm, and guide him to them.

There are online schools even for elementary, and khanacademy.org, and museums, and books. I wish we could home-school full-time as we're having to educate him in the evenings anyway, just to keep him engaged. School for us right now is just one big, fat daycare and DS8 is only HG.

Personally, I would just keep him where you are; he's happy with it and the private school does not sound accommodating. Why waste the money trying to make it work when you already have something that is working? grin

Yes to all of it.

We did partial homeschooling for a few years with #2, until #1 started homeschooling, too, at which point it made more sense not to truck one kid in and out. It really was a wonderful arrangement (we did 1-3 full days a week, depending on the year, month, or desirability of that week's agenda), with all specials and whatever throwaway academics happened to occur on attendance days.

As long as your school is willing to be flexible, and your son is happy with it, I would run with it. And if you switch to fully homeschooling, do as much as you feel comfortable with, and outsource the rest.

And what makes any of us think we are qualified to be parents, anyway? wink

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...