We accelerated DD a grade a few months after she started kindergarten which I think was a good choice. We should have just had her do early entrance to kindergarten. Since then she hasn't really complained about school being boring or too easy (although I'm sure a lot of it is, as her test scores are in the upper 90s percentile-wise). Since she's not really complaining or unhappy, I'm not really worried about it and haven't done much at home. Every once in a while she does programs like ixl or Khan Academy at home. She's going into a self-contained magnet for gifted next year for 4th grade which will probably be a challenge, esp. since she's 2e (ADHD). She is excited about it though.

DS has been more of a challenge in that the district has gotten very rigid (because of the obsession over state standards and test results) and won't let us accelerate even for math. The teacher insisted on giving him grade level math (first grade) even though he was already fluent in multiplication and division. We finally took him out of the school and put him in a different district school where the teacher is willing to differentiate. She doesn't make him sit through math lectures or do first grade math and gives him the right level. He just finished a unit on how to find the area in complex shapes. The teacher somehow finds time to work with him plus there are paras. She also divides the kids into reading groups and there is at least one other kid at or above his reading level. I'm not sure what will happen with him over the long term since there is no official plan, but we're going to have a meeting with the next teacher (whomever is assigned in the fall) along with current teacher. He has an IEP but nothing about gifted ed goes into IEPs here.