Just as it used to say on the back of financial prospectuses 'Past performance is no indication of future results' - you have continually monitor things.

Our travails so far...

Kindy - Neutral, we were clueless and basically left DD out to pasture but I did start to notice that relative to pre-school DD slid socially. DD was identified by a very loving and decent teacher as 'spirited' and suggested that we read the 'Spirited Child'. After reading it, it confirmed DD and I's hive mind and DW and I concluded that she had a 'Spirited Husband' LOL. DD learned to read and took off like a rocket. Library trips supplemented by museum visits helped DD to follow interests - Pirates, Astronomy, Egyptology, Dinosaurs, Human Biology etc.

1st - Good, teachers differentiated so DD got to make a Pressie (sp?) on why Pluto wasn't considered a bona fide planet anymore and won a 3 county essay competition. OE's intensified in inverse proportion to her social acceptance by age peer girls. Through conversations in the car with me as I drove her around, DD mastered arithmetic with whole numbers and vulgar fractions. We started the SG Maths as an after school activity. We started to realise that DD picked things up preternaturally fast.

2nd - bad (1st half) Bad, OE's started to intensify further and teacher would not differentiate. After schooling with SG Maths took DD through level 5 with apparent ease. DD sent to see guidance counsellor to help her with her extreme sensitivities and immaturity as the school saw it. Ended up getting DD tested which confirmed that she is quite bright.

2nd - better (2nd half) Better, took test results to school. Teacher did a complete 180 and started to understand why DD refused to do extra worksheets when finished way before others in class. Held off on SG math after school as I was getting freaked out (sometimes I think I made a mistake). Eventually got school to see that her perceived immaturity was actually OEs caused by asynchronous development relative to age peers. School after a bit of work agreed to skip 3rd grade largely due to her teachers' advocacy for her in addition to the Iowa Scales, DYS and our persistence.

4th (so far) OK, DD's teacher very supportive and DD's social acceptance increased. OEs all but disappeared. Clear that DD is still nowhere close to being in her ZPD but unwilling to disrupt the social progress she has made. Afterschooling with AoPS now. DD is now starting to verbalize the thoughts that she isn't learning a lot at school because AoPS has shown her what learning feels like. Starting to chafe at the harness of school (mental desert) followed by actual learning after school. Asking for summer classes now...

Last edited by madeinuk; 04/15/14 05:11 PM. Reason: Bad ipad autocompletes corrected

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