There are different blood tests to check for celiac. I would think your GP or ped could help you. Do they have an idea was caused the anaemia in the first place? Our doctor checked to see if DS had a 'the gene', which he did not. He if had it a second test would have been required to see if he celiac at that point in time. I don't know a whole lot about this, but there is more than one way to test for it. They were checking to see if celiac was causing the anaemia. Obviously, it helps to know what caused it to try and prevent a recurrence.

Did they check other vitamin / mineral levels... B-12, zinc, D for example? (Blood test.)

Apple juice (maybe their are other juices or juice plus???) and dairy will interfere with iron absorption. Ideally, you need to be really, really careful about his diet and the timing of the supplements (iron or Floradix, juice plus) for the next 6 months and then retest. You can continue the Floradix after the anaemia has disappeared.

You can't give up :-) Just get really organised! Maybe a nutritionist could provide you additional support?

Best of luck.