My suggestion would be to find out who the teachers are, because if they're native English speakers, it may be a waste of time. I spent two years with a very good French teacher only to find myself unable to converse in it with anyone but her, on account of my ear was tuned to the language as spoken by one with a strong American accent. The native speaker sounds alien to me.

My Hispanic DW regularly translates/corrects movie dialog in Italian, and says she can do the same in Portuguese, so those three are basically interchangeable (French is the one Romantic language not interchangeable because its phonics are a train wreck). That and the fact that Spanish is spoken over a huge portion of the globe, and even here in the US, gives it amazing utility from a practical standpoint.

I endorse Jon's opinion of Italian. Apart from the fact that it would also help you converse in Spanish and Portuguese, it has no practical value. You don't even need it to visit Italy.