Thank you for all your responses. I left a lot out in my original post, so I'll amend here. DS has been talking (full sentences, etc.) since he was 16m; been reading since he was 3; testing in Australia put him in the 99th percentile of first graders when he was 4.5. I tried to provide all of that information to the school, but they didn't want to listen. I guess I caved initially because I was concerned about the transition from there to here, but he is very well adjusted socially. Has lots of friends in school and here in our neighborhood. He does great on his teams (soccer, bowling, tball) and actually relates best to the older kids (2nd and 4th graders) in the neighborhood. So, we are seeing a play-based therapist to deal with the anxiety and bad-kid scenario related to school, but he doesn't exhibit any issues in any other aspect of his life (that I can tell). We are scheduled to do a full (and very expensive) psycho-educational battery of tests that I will use to determine placement for next year. I'm unfortunately not in a position to home school, and while kindergarten is not required I don't want to pull him out of school now as that will be even more disruptive. I've succeeded in getting him pulled out twice a week with a specialist for advanced math and language and lo and behold behavior on those days have improved. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support from this group and I'm so glad I've found you.