Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
I think that I enjoy it more, though-- because it's more likely to be time spent directly with my DD, either enriching things, helping her to find appropriate enrichment for herself, or coaching her to understand herself better, to make good advocacy moves, etc.

Far less frustrating to spend that kind of time with one's own HG+ child than trying to act as a go-between for the entire world.

Ah, this has given me some thought. I love this! These are some of the things that I love about having a child who needs educational modifications. Although, the interactions that you describe, HK, are interactions that all parents can have with their children, NT or gifted or whatever. It's just that HG+ children NEED the enrichment and advocacy. (Sometimes I laugh to myself how I used to think that I would send my children to school everyday and they would be appropriately educated.)

And these needs and the attention that they require make me think that we have our hands full with our 3 little HG+ kiddos! As I wrote in my first post, our lives have shifted dramatically ever since we realized that we were dealing with HG kids. Neither DH's family nor my family can give us any guidance on raising HG kids so we really do feel like we are in the dark in so many ways. Sometimes it's hard.

Thanks for the responses!