Originally Posted by Val
Honestly, I think there are so many complexities here, it's hard to give an answer. Teenagers are so much more than their IQs. Personality is huge. Work ethic is huge. Family and school environments are huge. In the case of a HG+ teen, parental LOG is huge--- primarily because a HG+ parent will have some idea of what his or her HG+ child will be going through WRT cognitive development (just as an NT parent will have the same awareness for an NT child).

I have a HG+ teenager (13). In some ways, he's a dream. He has a wonderful personality and is easygoing about setbacks. However, he needs to learn discipline in his work habits. But this is kind of hard to teach; he has a 3.7-something average on doing the minimum.

I'm wondering why LOG is a factor in the decision to have another child?

Yes, these children are way more than their IQs! I find each of my children (7, 3, 2) to be exhausting with regard to aspects of their personalities that relate to LOG. So, I guess that's why I am looking at LOG as a factor in deciding whether or not to have more children. For example, all 3 of my kids are super super intense and have unbelievable high levels of energy. I guess I am kind of lumping many of their challenging traits under their LOG as just of way of simplifying things here, for the sake of discussion.

Also, I wonder about how schooling will work as they all get older. My DH was accelerated 4 years and started college waaaayyy too early. I started college too late (I was a huge underachiever and couldn't manage the workload). So, I wonder, what are their trajectories going to be like? Again, I know this is all impossible to see now. My chief worry is that all 3 kids need to be homeschooled through HS and need all sorts of mentors and tutors between the 3 of them. Managing the 3 of them seems ok to me now. But I wonder what it would be like if there were 4 (or 5) to manage. (Remember, I am still relatively new to this off roading experience. When I envisioned having 4-5 kids, I thought, "Oh, no problem. They will all GO to school every day and I will be able to manage." Now, I see things may be (very likely will be) very, very different.) Parenting becomes very different when you realize that your child will need something entire different than the mainstream, right?

I appreciate your reply, by the way. I'm just kind of bouncing these thoughts around. I realize how unbelievably lucky I am to have my 3 amazing DCs. I'm also glad I have this anonymous place to throw these ideas around. There is no one else to discuss this with IRL!