So, here's how I evaluate these things - how important is this aspect of her grade? Will she still get an A if she just skips these answers? If so, screw it.

If she needs to complete these types of answers in order to get a good grade, then she and her mom need to go over how to answer them to the teacher's satisfaction. Yes, it's ridiculous and pretty pointless, given that the children CLEARLY understands the concepts, but sometimes you have to play the game.

We tend to pick and choose. My DS10 gets pretty much straight A's without doing all his homework. We try to emphasis at least doing most of the homework and turning it in, so he doesn't have zeros, but to be honest, I'm not going to stress out and cause havoc in my home over it. He understands what's being taught, and gets 100's on all his exams... when he gets into middle school, we'll focus more on how to play the school game so that he can get where he needs to in H.S.
