So, Indigo, I sat down and documented the most recent iep violations in the verbiage you used in your post in an email to the team and special ed dir. And now the special ed director wants to talk to me - "assist" me actually. I think your wording was great. I also told them I was revoking my consent for them to bill Medicaid for my son's special ed so that may have got her attention, too. I don't trust Spec Ed Dir (at all) BUT she is the one who stepped in before and smoothed things over when the principal was being such a jerk last year. So it's probably good that's she's contacting me. I don't want to meet or talk to her until I talk with my attorney, tho. I may even have my attorney talk to them/her instead of me at this point. Attorney has been at a conference for the past two days so I haven't even been able to talk to her about all of this yet! Hopefully, I will talk with her tomorrow. But I do think that wording helped! THank you.