This is terrific feedback, folks. Thank you so much for generously sharing your experiences with me.

Max's Mom, thanks for the insights into how your family has managed the two languages, and for some thoughtful suggestions for fun ways to introduce French subtly. I also like that you meld your use of French and English to connect the two languages in real time. That's a strategy I hadn't considered before, and I'm glad you mentioned it, because I will almost certainly put it to use! Thank you!

Titubeante, thanks for providing some insight into how you manage the parenting side of the languages. Helpful!

MK, I can totally see DS being staunchly in favour of (or against) a language like your DS. I've been teaching him a bit of Spanish too (I'm also quite fluent) to pique his interest in the concept of different languages. I may take a cultural approach to language and introduce French (and Spanish) in reference to geography, music, food, etc. to make it a strong sell as insurance! wink

Thanks for your thoughts lilmisssunshine. How much dedicated time in the language do you think the children only practising 1-2 hours/week were getting?

What is to give light must endure burning.