Originally Posted by MumOfThree
Blackcat our DD takes 1-2 weeks to fully settle down when taken off meds. For her the mood swings and impulsive tantrums are about the same when taking medication regularly or well settled off it. They are much worse for a week ++ as she stops taking it. She also eats voraciously the first week or two off and then settles down.

I don't have personal experience to contribute here but had a thought as I read through the thread. MumofThree got part of my thought - that it may take some time to physiologically adjust to going off meds. Another thought is that since clearly the meds make a difference for her, it seems like other supports for managing her mood would be critical if/when she is off meds. I wonder whether she is working with a psychologist (or someone else with experience in this area) on developing strategies?