It's adults in the school that have a problem with her eating. Parents come in and eat with their kids, and then they go to the classroom teacher or the nurse and express concern about DD. Since she was accelerated she appears small for her grade even though she is average for her age. People don't generally know how young she is. People sometimes persuade her to buy a school lunch and then she throws the whole thing out. The school nurse called about this the other day (to tell us that DD threw out her entire lunch). I'm just tired of hearing about it all the time. I appreciate people's concern, but there's nothing I can do. I did talk about this all at length to the teacher, including the percentiles and she suggested I write a note so that every time someone mentions DD not eating, she can show them my note saying it's Ok that she doesn't eat. But what good is that going to do--then people are just going to talk about me being the crazy mom who doesn't care if my DD eats.
She doesn't normally eat breakfast either. Not sure why, because usually Dh sticks her patch on only about 30 min. before she wakes up, so it's not like there is much medication in her system at that point (it takes 8-10 hours for the patch to reach peak levels in the bloodstream).
I'm guessing that when she is not medicated she is very hyper-aware of what is going on around her and what everyone else is doing and if they are not doing the right thing, it drives her nuts. It seems kind of strange how cheerful she gets though (kind of like she is manic).