My DD11 doesn't really eat at school either. She takes her lunch, nibbles on one thing, and then eats the rest at home as an after school snack. She's also very slender (both my kids are). No one has ever said anything to me, and this is the same school that nagged me into an EEG (turned out normal) for DS(then 8) thinking he was having absence seizures, so it's not like the staff is inattentive (lol - no pun intended - ok maybe just a little wink )

DS9 has a combined type ADHD diagnosis and has never been medicated, so he constantly draws attention from the staff. He is outgrowing his hyperactivity and his "combined" diagnosis and appears to be more inattentive.

DD11, meanwhile, is very quiet and doesn't draw attention to herself, which may be why no one has mentioned her lack of enthusiasm for lunch.

I've stopped nagging her about it (that wasn't working).

IMHO - if your DD is at the 50th percentile, then she is not being too adversely affected.

Here's a thought though... what kind of breakfast does she eat? Hunger could be causing the ADHD behaviours (this is something that I've thought about for my DD which is why I used to be on her case about eating lunch). Although why they won't eat if they're hungry I'll never know.

Sigh (fun, isn't it?). Good luck - I hope you figure something out smile