Originally Posted by blackcat
DD told me she wants to go back to school medicated, that she feels much better medicated. The problem is that she is not eating. She is 50th percentile for height and weight so it's not affecting her, but everyone at the school keeps nagging me about how she never eats lunch. She doesn't even buy lunch most of the time, or take her lunch box into the cafeteria. She just sits there and watches everyone else eat. I keep telling people that it's perfectly fine, I've talked to her doctor, it's a medication side effect, etc. but no one seems willing to accept this or let it go.

Who is nagging? If it's kids, I'd try to come up with a standard response for your dd to answer back with, something that's designed to stop any further comments or questions. If it's teachers, I'd give dd a response, but also send a request in writing (via email) that the questions *stop* - or that they be directed to you. You can explain in the email that it's a side effect of the meds (I realize you've already explained, but this will repeat it in writing), and you can also (if you want to) put in the email the percentile weight range your dd is in as well s mention that you've discussed this with your dd's dr and have his ok.

If it's the school principal or school nurse, I'd get a letter from the dr stating that it's not a concern, and I'd send that in along with a written letter requesting that the questions stop.

If you think the questions are happening simply because it's lunchtime and your dd is obviously not bringing or buying a lunch, I'd consider asking your dd to bring an empty lunch box with her just so that she doesn't stand out as looking obviously like she's not eating.
