FWIW, I took a similar approach with our DD to PB.

I read some silly school reports telling us stuff that we knew to be untrue, e.g. she could not write a story with a beginning, a middle and an end or didn't have mastery of addition/subtraction. This when she had already written elaborate stories at home and was confident with exponents and simple pre-algebra.

At the end of the day, I decided that it was important that I knew what my DD was capable of and not necessarily the teacher. I could see that fighting this would be futile and put us in a confrontational situation with the school but have little to no upside. A true Pyrrhic victory.

Ultimately, elementary kids spend so little time at school that what happens there is somewhat irrelevant particularly when they are so far ahead of their peers. Eventually, we came to terms with the fact that no school will ever 'teach' our child in the way that other NT children are taught simply because kids like ours learn so darn fast.

We are very lucky, though, in that once we had our DD tested (over a year ago now) and the teachers saw the results they were supportive of a skip. Looking back, I am not sure that her teachers would have been so positive about DD's skip had we riled them up unnecessarily.


Last edited by madeinuk; 02/18/14 07:07 PM.

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