Thank you, thank you, thank you all!

This is really great information and has got me thinking in very different and productive directions.

HowlerKarma, you are absolutely right about the parenting culture here and about the challenges it brings. Her classes at the homeschool school help, but it's not quite the same as having a cohort grade level. And as for the community college tuition issue, AFAIK (and please correct me if I'm wrong) she needs to be enrolled in a district high school. Which makes me think that one of the virtual academies might be the thing to do as she gets closer to that.

puffin, you've got it in one! Change is the only constant.

CFK, my daughter has wanted to be a Veterinarian since she was 20 months old and her favorite show was Animal Planet's Emergency Vets. She told me then she wanted to be a "boo boo animal doctor" and that hasn't changed. In that case, pre-vet would be followed by vet school and she would be an adult by the time she entered the workforce. I expect she won't be ready for university work (as opposed to community college dual enrollment) until closer to 13 or 14. College is also a really expensive way to "find yourself" so if she was less certain or becomes less certain (she's still so young!), I'd be more focused on alternate educational experiences before university (study abroad, volunteering, internship, etc.).

To those who wisely pointed out that the importance of knowing her goals, this came up in conversation last night. It turns out that what she's really hoping for are intellectual peers. She sees Mary Baldwin as a way to make friends and be close to girls her own age who are more like her. Which is sad and sweet at the same time.

But there are ways this need can potentially be met now, through certain academic camps perhaps, which will help her get what she needs and perhaps evaluate college options more clearly.

Thank you again. I was just talking today with someone in the same boat who's child is a few years younger. They were appreciative of the perspective of someone who was a bit farther along on the path. I feel the same way about this thread. smile