Hi Ivy!

I have a DD who is like yours-- just three years older than she is. My DD is finishing high school this year, and taking mostly dual enrollment classes this final year.

She went through a VERY rough patch at about 11yo-- if you hunt through my very first posts on the forum here, you'll see what I mean.

One thing that I'd consider as your DD moves into high school coursework (well, there are several, but this one stands out to me);

make sure that you have a way to keep an eye on perfectionism/anxiety as it relates to grades.

I think that letter grading and the pressure that it produces led my DD (in part) toward socially-prescribed perfectionism. Yes, she's always been a perfectionist, but this is a particularly virulent and toxic variety.

Honestly, being a parent to one of these kids, they do have to be "older" than they actually are to fit in with academic peers 3-7y older. That's okay as long as they have a way to be themselves (er, maybe just other ASPECTS of themselves?) in other domains.

I wouldn't want my DD to actually BE 18yo. I like that she's 14, and that she is (mostly) okay with being 14yo. She has learned which facets of herself are most appropriate in which settings-- and while it makes me a little wistful that she can't be her COMPLETE self anywhere... it doesn't necessarily bother HER.

Does that make sense?

If you're comfortable saying, there are parents who drive-by post and have older children... they might be able to offer insights into the specific EC program that your DD likes.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.