I talked to the teacher and it turns out that DD hasn't been filling out her "planner" for the last 2 months. She is supposed to be copying a sentence each day about what the math homework is, and each week write a list of spelling words. I thought the teacher had just stopped having them do this. Teacher mentioned that she is having the kids write down the spelling words and I said "her planner has been blank." Teacher was shocked and said that DD always looked like she was writing. So basically DD has "given up" (on that at least). I looked back at her planner and there are a couple weeks where she wrote a couple words, but that's pretty much it. On spelling tests, she misses a bunch of words and the ones she does write down are all out of order. This can't be normal even for a kid with ADHD! Teacher is going to try to have someone give her the words she missed but I don't know how this is going to work.

I talked to a private psych about all this and he asked the WISC scores and was quite taken aback, esp with her non-verbal score being 99.9th+ percentile. He said that he can do a comprehensive eval but doesn't think insurance would cover it because usually school systems are expected to do this. I explained that our school system is completely inept and they don't even know what dysgraphia is. He said that he is going to look into some things with insurance and call me back. I am debating calling the State and seeing if I can get the school district to pay for a private eval if our insurance won't cover it.