It's probably illegal to provide accommodations "informally" without inclusion in a 504 plan. Because providing them at all is an admission that they are necessary, see.

So I think that the teacher's intentions are good-- but I might get together with the teacher and (friendly-like, since you have a good working relationship) say; Look, I think that we both have some really good ideas and observations-- what do you say we take this back to the 504 team and tweak a few things in the 504 plan? You know, make it easier for a new classroom teacher (next year) to figure out ways to make this work.

Ultimately, she's already a QID. Get it into the 504 plan-- you don't NEED to provide a diagnosis in addition to the qualifying one.

We know this-- because DD has things in HER 504 plan that have no relationship at all to her disability-- but they are educational modifications/accommodations that she seems to need, either way.

Of COURSE pursue private evaluation for yourself and your child. But it isn't clear to me that the school even NEEDS to be in that loop at the moment.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.