In defense of the teacher, she didn't really ask to reduce her meds. What happened was that her patch basically fell off in the middle of the day, and I asked the teacher how it went. The teacher said that she did not seem unfocused, and she didn't see any issues even though the patch was probably only on a few hours. And DD had much more personality and enthusiasm. So I said that if she really seems fine without it, we could try without and see what happens, and the teacher seemed to really like that idea. I should have been more clear about that. We tried without the patch, and I just gave her her pill in the morning (normally she gets both). She was relatively Ok until late morning and then fell apart, apparently. I don't have a problem with medicating her. Yes, she is more cheerful when she is not medicated but we can't have her in La-La land acting like a happy drunk person.
I am going to meet with the teacher after school tomorrow. The teacher said we should try to figure out a plan for her (i.e. informal modifications). I don't know why she has continued scoring spelling and whatnot with unfinished words, but she will probably be open to listening to my concerns about it. We'll see.
I guess I don't even know where to take her for an eval. Her primary doctor is trying to figure out a referral for a psychiatrist with the Children's hospital, but I doubt a psychiatrist would be able to figure out something like dysgraphia (if that's what it is). The neuropsych I took DS to at the university does not see kids like DD. He saw DS because he had a brain injury.
I took her to an OT but the OT could not diagnose dysgraphia and didn't seem to think that was the problem anyway.