Originally Posted by Irena
DS's writing in math slows him down (not inordinately but enough) but even more concerning are the reversals and the flipping of signs etc.

Not to buy trouble for you (ha!) but something to warn you about - one of the things my ds has (and still) struggles with the most in math is copying mistakes - he'll switch things like + and - signs when copying from one line to the next or switch numbers - write "24" instead of "42" for instance... and then everything he does as he finishes up a math calculation will be wrong. His neuropsych's advice was to start getting him in the habit of checking his work each and every time - which we've done. Problem is he then sometimes gets problems wrong that were correct the first time around.. for the very same reason! I'm sure it happens on standardized testing too. Neither ds or I have any kind of good solution for it. Would love to know if anyone else has any ideas!
