Very good points Polarbear. Thank you! We have an iep meeting at the end of this week regarding DS's attention and I know the school psych has input on how his dysgraphia is affecting his attention so I can at least start to explore this at this meeting. I think we are going to have to get the ball rolling what you suggest in termso getting this in the IEp officially at least in time to be set up for next year.

DS's writing in math slows him down (not inordinately but enough) but even more concerning are the reversals and the flipping of signs etc. I think something like what math paper purports to do could be a real help for DS. Also with the act of writing really out of the picture (he literally has said to me he "gets tired from having to think about which way the numbers go every time) I think he could focus better and go even further. Thank you again for your help and advice!