My sons are learning new words from reading. We have had to correct their pronunciation on a few, but overall they are using the words in the correct context, which is good. I can remember it took me a while as a child to recognize "insomnia" when I heard someone use it in a sentence, as in my head it was pronounced in-SO-mania. LOL

My DS told me that he listens to the books on RazKids in order to learn how to pronounce the words he hasn't read previously. He then "fast forwards" through the reading-only portion. He is fortunate in that he seems to learn new words after one or two exposures, so this works for him.

For a while he was just listening and not reading along, and then trying to do the quizzes after only listening. That didn't work very well, so now he reads along with the audio version. His goal is to get to "z," so we we will see what happens. He is doing raz-kids on his kindle instead of playing minecraft, so I am not going to complain. smile

Last edited by momoftwins; 01/27/14 10:54 AM.