Originally Posted by lilmisssunshine
He's not yet reading, and I'm suspecting dyslexia (which is a whole different beast), but now thinking this, I'm starting to adjust my approach to reading with him. He also hasn't memorized the math facts, but he understands what's going on. But beyond these, I think his skills are a bit more advanced and that sending him to school would be a disaster.

Why are you suspecting dyslexia? It is not at all unusual for 5 year old's to be unable to read at this age. I have known gifted children who didn't 'read' until they were 7, and then learned to read at an extremely rabid pace.

It is possible he has dyslexia, but at this age it's probably hard to tell unless you see an expert. Public schools probably wouldn't be worried about a 5 year old even one they consider gifted. My school district won't test for LD's until 2nd grade.

How are you 'teaching' reading? There are a number of different methods and not all methods work for all children.