Hi sciencelover. Just wondering how you were progressing. I don't have a lot more to add from the assessment we had. The report was disappointing really. The best suggestions I have already given you. I was intrigued that the process was used as a screening tool for ADHD, autism spectrum, sensory processing disorder and so on, based solely on an online questionnaire we filled in prior to the appointment. That was then used to suggest a whole range of courses that might assist learning. I was by then very dubious about what we were involved with. I asked the tester how her observations matched up with the ' diagnostic questionnaire ' and there was no real response.
I will keep reading and researching to help my DD. I'm reading The Sensory Child Gets Organised by Carolyn Dalgliesh. It has some interesting tips from an organizational specialist. The subtitle is Proven Systems for Rigid, Anxious or Distracted Kids. I would be curious to know if it holds anything of value to you or hardtochoose.
The other book I found interesting is Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis of Gifted Children and Adults. There is so much overlap in the symptomatology of various disorders and giftedness. It all can be quite confusing and overwhelming.