Thanks so much for the replies.

Polarbear, in response to your question, it was a psychologist who evaluated him in June. She has a good reputation, but her expertise is developmental disabilities (autism specifically) and she just doesn't have much experience with gifted or 2e kids. Unfortunately our insurance limits us quite a bit on where we can go and she is the only psychologist at the center we were referred to. If this next dosage of medication doesn't work the ped might refer us to the big university hospital, where it would take forever to get an appointment, or just send us back to this same psychologist.

I'm not sure what the subtest scores are. The only other information on the SB5 section of the report is:

fluid reasoning: verbal 19 nonverbal 14
knowledge: verbal 12 nonverbal 14
quantitative reasoning: verbal 15 nonverbal 17
visual spatial processing: verbal 17 nonverbal 16
working memory: verbal 10 nonverbal 12

He has said that his trouble with writing is just coming up with what to write. This year he has been allowed to use the computer to do all of his writing and it hasn't made a difference. He did do very well on his last book report, but that was with me sitting there with him, asking him questions for each section. Without the questions to let him know what to say he would just sit there. I really don't think there is a handwriting issue with math. I got permission to substitute part of his homework with Art of Problem solving that he's doing at home, and he has way less trouble getting started and staying on task with that, even though there's more writing (copying the problems from the book). However, there could be underlying OCD issues involved. He hasn't been diagnosed, but he definitely has many of the traits and I know it goes along with Tourette's a lot of times. The problem is that it seems like every professional that I've talked with only wants to look for a specific thing. For example, the psychologist in June only ever considered (and administered the subtests of the NEPSY which could show) whether or not he has ADHD, not whether it could be other things.

I actually got him evaluated by a SLP because of your recommendation back in August and she did the CELF, but didn't put the scores into any kind of context in the report. She did say that he has an expressive language disorder and he'll be getting speech therapy.

HowlerKarma, I am seeing a lot of regular anxiety symptoms along with more and more obsessive compulsive type stuff lately. Every professional kind of dismisses the notion that ADHD type symptoms might be anxiety or even sensory related. He had an OT evaluation 2 years ago and she said he had some sensory issues, but was pretty vague and didn't feel like he needed therapy.

Epoh, I will try to find a psychiatrist who will take our insurance. When he tried Aderall it really increased his tics (which are pretty mild normally), so we stopped it. I will ask the doctor about non-stimulants at our next check-in.

Again, thanks for replying. I appreciate it so much.