Thank you for posting! Incidentally, here is a recent WTM thread 'AoPS--self-study vs online class':

Re: *Intermediate* Number Theory:
Originally Posted by lewelma
DS is spending about 12-14 hours per week (not counting the class) and is just squeezing into 'green.'

Re: relative difficulty of classes:
Originally Posted by keesa
intro. geometry: very hard
algebra 2: fair
algebra 1: fair
number theory: very easy

Re: online class vs self-study:
Originally Posted by quark
Here are a list of things I would consider seriously before making a decision (might be different from class to class):

Student's comfort level with...

1. reading and working on problems at a very quick pace ahead of class (you will usually need to finish an entire chapter in a week) -- depends on the class because current class DS is taking doesn't have a textbook but algebra does

2. managing the AoPS class time (based on time zone, PT time is fine for us but ET time can be late for some) and homework schedule (no ordinary homework ... not predictable with regards to time needed for each question)

3. doing 1 and 2 WITH all other subject requirements, especially if kiddo is also doing other math or heavy reading/ writing/ thinking subjects -- so allow the first few weeks to be a sort of baby steps period to get used to the routine

4. chat format -- not video/ audio -- and sometimes kids already know each other and might carry out informal chat conversations so you will be left out -- not a problem for DS really but he sometimes wishes kids won't use the AoPS pre-class time to chat about things other than math (just his personality quirk)

5. not having answers featured if instructor doesn't choose them to appear on screen -- and also being fast with typing if being chosen is important to you

6. using discussion forums when stuck with a homework problem or other issues -- you have the option of a private message box to the instructor too

7. multitasking if a TA opens up a private "whisper box" to walk you through questions you might have during the class

8. not finishing all homework just because some of the questions are SUPER hard (this is new to DS but the problems are so hard that he is willing to let it go and take it as a learning experience, not a I-have-to-be-perfect experience)

9. typing homework answers out for longer response/ proof-style problems and not getting an immediate CORRECT/ INCORRECT response

10. ETA: the class's Socratic questioning format -- a big pro imho

11. Cost, of course (duh! lol)

ETA: also, from here:

it looks like 'intro to number theory' < 'algebra 1' < 'intro to counting and probability'.

Last edited by arlen1; 12/19/13 09:04 AM.