Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by Quantum2003
80-100 problems in 5 minutes
100 problems in 5 minutes is 3 seconds per question; The online version I took was 50 problems in 60 seconds, or 1.2 seconds per question. For me, typing was the time constraint. If anyone does the online 50 in 60 and finishes, let us know! Or let us know how many you are able to finish, if you care to.

Originally Posted by ElizabethN
I got 47 in 60 seconds, mostly because I typoed #47 and tried to go back and fix it. That is pretty hard!

OK, I got 50 in 60 seconds on the second try. It was actually sort of fun, in a twisted sort of way. But I used to be a certified scrutineer for ballroom competitions, so I'm very good with a numeric keypad. I also have the mostly useless skill of being able to listen to someone reciting a list of numbers and put hash marks next to them on a list, while blocking out a competing voice reading a different set of numbers.